japanese novel: Isekai Blacksmith shop slow life
Isekai Blacksmith Shop slow Life
- Delivery as Usual
- Next planning
- Warehouse construction :Beginning
- Warehouse construction in progress
- The second mass production
- Warehouse completed
- New Weapons
- Making bow
- Another new weapon
- Product Checking
- Tiger and Boar
- Minced Meat Steak
- Request again
- A neighbouring country
- Returning home
- 2nd time mass delivery of goods
- The request of the marquis
- Departure Preparation
- Departure to the Empire
- On the Way
- Intelligence Gathering
- Passing a barrier
- Camping
- Arrival on town
- Infiltration
- Infiltration Day 1
- Sword Repair IBSc189
- Night Information Gathering C190
- Operation Begin-c191
- Night before the attack c192
- It Begins C193
- Rising to action c194
- Rescue C195
- Escape C196
- Get out of town C197
- An escape C198
- Break in the Getaway C199
- A way back C200
- To the barrier C201
- Fear on Return C202
- Return to the Kingdom C203
- Hurried home C204
- Nowhere in the kingdom C205
- On the encampment night
- Returning home c207
- A sense of coming home C208
- Welcome! C209
- Debriefing c210
- Helen's story C211
- Marius's story C212
- The Unclear dark clouds, and the talk is over C213
- They always return. C214
- Back from the city C215
- Once More C216
- Chapter 154 -- Sword Making:Day 2
- Chapter 155 -- Sword Making:Day 3
- Chapter 156 -- Sword Making:Day 4
- Chapter 157 -- Brim and handle
- Chapter 158 -- Scabbard making
- Chapter 159 -- Katana Finishing
- Chapter 160 -- Farewell to Nida
- Chapter 161 -- Living in forest
- Chapter 162 -- usual routine
- Chapter 163
- Chapter 164
- Chapter 165
- Chapter 166
- Chapter 167
- Chapter 168
- Chapter 169
- Chapter 170
- Chapter 171
- Chapter 172
- Chapter 173
- Chapter 174
- Chapter 175
- Chapter 176
- Chapter 177
- Chapter 178
- Chapter 179
- Chapter 180
- Chapter 181 is Departure to Empire tally from there.